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These 6 Questions Could Change Your Life Forever!
If you take the time to answer and think about these next 6 questions I am going to ask you, it may just change your life. 1. What would...
My Top 5 Fitness Investments For Under $20
Do you find yourself wanting to get in shape, yet having no clue where to begin? These 5 must-have fitness items are a great place to start!
Pumpkin Spice Fat Bombs
Find out why Pumpkin spice fat bombs are the ultimate snack for you and your family this fall. Delicious, nutritious, fat burning treats!
Oils - The Good, The Bad, and The Downright Ugly.
Vegetable oils are so damaging to our health, why are they still on supermarket shelves labeled as "heart healthy?"
Improve Insulin Sensitivity, Live Longer?
Improve Insulin Sensitivity, Live Longer? You betcha!
The Importance of Play. . .It's Serious Business!
One of my favorite quotes goes something like this; "we don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." As...
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